WELLBEING: Gaucho FYI and beyond—student-to-student communication about important issues, in person and online

Student Wellbeing Goal 1:

Improve student-to-student communication about important issues: Gaucho FYI and beyond

Participation (publicity, recruitment, diversity) Resources (money, people, sustainability) Collaboration (within AS, outside AS) Accountability (measure and report)

Create a prominent role in Gaucho FYI (& Beyond) for AS (with videos, audio, written and in-person components) with funny and engaging student-to-student communication on important issues from student leaders in various roles which shall include but not be limited to:

  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Consent and prevention of sexual assault
  • Time management
  • Bike & pedestrian etiquette
  • Culturally and economically diverse voices & sensitivities (incl examples of common micro-aggressions, bullying, disabilities awareness, social & econ differences, and non-traditional or marginalized students )
  • Being good neighbors: noise & party courtesy, etc.
  • Healthy relationships
  • Encourage CSO use

Create a video series students can watch anytime featuring students representing all the faces and voices of AS. Recruitment message at the end of the videos

Promote through Gaucho FYI and engage students other times of year via social media, local papers, KCSB, AS Website

Also see Transfer Orientation and Mentoring under Student Experience

Set-up: Possible initial personnel and equipment costs
Ongoing: Media center priority
People-work with AS BCCs and staff to work within existing resources
Planet-minimal/positive impact few if any print materials

Office of Student Life

Measure 1: Completion, dates & promotion
Measure 2: Impact: Annual healthy school survey beginning with components of the survey AS used Strategic Plan (shorter and more focused).
Reporting: to Senate, and in Annual Report; student body pre-election if lock-in

See our implementation plan here
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