Reduce overall text book costs for students through a number of initiatives including but not limited to:
- Creating a textbook pricing plan to guide students in the purchase of their textbooks, and determine the cheapest and most fiscally viable option.
- Creating and developing the A.S. GauchoBooks online textbook trading website.
- Working with UCSB Bookstore to increase rentals and increase buyback prices to national college store reported average of 75%.
Campus communication
Incl. info for new students
AS Social Media
AS Website(s)
Radio & newspaper
Campus signs (esp at/near textbook locations & at beginning/end of qtrs..)
Clubs, associations to reach economically disadvantaged
People-work with AS BCCs and staff to work within existing resources once program is set up
Planet-minimal/positive impact—this is a reuse program
UCSB Bookstore
1st Measure: Different aspects of the program set up? Dates. Average current cost and buyback price of some key, common texts. Numbers of rentals avail. and cost of some key texts.
Ongoing measure: How many students are using? Impact: Average reduction in cost/increase in buyback /increase in number of rentals/cost savings through rental for the measured key books. Have students noticed a difference? Reporting: to Senate, and in Annual Report