INTERNAL: Be transparent & accountable

Internal Organization Goal 2:

Be transparent and accountable

Participation (publicity, recruitment, diversity) Resources (money, people, sustainability) Collaboration (within AS, outside AS) Accountability (measure and report)

Establish and implement a transparency and accountability program for all AS businesses, services, programs and lockins: Track, measure and report on costs, activities and other resource use in a manner that is useful for determining efficiency and effectiveness, such as program budgeting; report those findings at least annually.

All AS will participate in accountability. Ensure it is neither onerous nor overly bureaucratic but is a positive experience

People-possible personnel cost during setup; work with AS BCCs and staff to work within existing resources
Planet-minimal/positive impact few if any print materials

All AS

1st Measure: assess existing program and determine and assign new needs
2nd Measure: complete new program, Ongoing measures: determined by program content; Reporting: to Senate, and in Annual Report; student body pre-election for all lock-ins

See our implementation plan here
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