Create a business ventures model for AS that may include, but is not limited to the following:
- Minimum criteria for student or staff proposed a business venture
- Professional development and/or employment opportunities for students
- A business plan template
- A resource guide
- Possible short-term business testing opportunities
1) Determine unmet needs/demands; 2) recruit students with ideas
Use :
Campus communications
Info for new students
AS Social Media
AS Website(s)
Radio & newspaper
Outreach to applicable academic depts, clubs and associations
People-work with AS BCCs and staff to work within existing resources for set up; indiv business plans may req. resources which will be explored in indiv business plans.
Planet-minimal/positive impact few if any print materials
Applicable academic depts.
Applicable clubs and associations
Measure 1:
Program pieces in place?
Measure 2:
How many students use it? How useful did they find the tools? How successful are the ventures?
Reporting: to Senate, applicable BCCs, and in Annual Report; student body pre-election if lock-in