INTERNAL: Collaborate & communicate well

Internal Organization Goal 4:

Collaborate & communicate well

Participation (publicity, recruitment, diversity) Resources (money, people, sustainability) Collaboration (within AS, outside AS) Accountability (measure and report)

Establish and implement collaboration and communication methods, tools and protocols within AS:

  • Methods for handing information over from year-to-year
  • Consistent recordkeeping
  • Processes and other documentation to avoid re-creating or duplicate efforts

Encourage all AS to contribute ideas (in addition to those from survey and workshop); look at AS staff Internal Communication tools for some ideas

People-possible personnel cost during setup; work with AS BCCs and staff to work within existing resources
Planet-minimal/positive impact few if any print materials

All AS

1st Measure: program work completed?
Ongoing measure: Impact: satisfaction? Use surveys (see above for several wellbeing and engagement goals as well as employee survey)
Reporting: to Senate, and in Annual Report

See our implementation plan here
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