INTERNAL: Outreach & publicity—effective, consistent

Internal Organization Goal 5:

Effective & consistent outreach & publicity

Participation (publicity, recruitment, diversity) Resources (money, people, sustainability) Collaboration (within AS, outside AS) Accountability (measure and report)

Create consistent recruitment, outreach and publicity to ensure at least 70% of undergrads have heard of/attended/used AS services and businesses and participation in AS increases by 20%; this may include but will not be limited to:

  • A comprehensive publicity checklist for BCC use; include notes on the advantages/when to use each source.
  • Publicize more of what AS does (checklist)
  • AS student staff responsible for posting/ submitting publicity.
  • AS sponsored endeavors credit AS (logo)
  • Standard recruitment checklists and recruitment materials (ensuring open, expansive outreach to all UCSB students)
  • See AS Gaucho FYI and beyond: increase AS presence at student orientation. Create materials or otherwise convey to students the breadth of options for engagement and participation in AS
  • Improved signage so students can find AS services (see AS staff external communication analysis).

Create video(s), written materials and distribute widely:
Checklists include: Gaucho FYI and other orienting activities and communications; social media, local papers, KCSB, AS Website, other websites, campus communication sites; signage, posters, rallies, etc. and when it is beneficial/appropriate to use each

Also see Transfer Orientation and Mentoring; Gaucho FYI and Resource Hub goals, above

Money-possible cost for student staff, though possibly absorbed by existing staffing

All AS

1st Measure: program in place
2nd Measures: use surveys to measure success (baseline in existing survey)
Ongoing measure: adherence, attendance, awareness, satisfaction, participation
Reporting: to Senate, and in Annual Report

See our implementation plan here
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