WELLBEING: Economically disadvantaged—expand support through several programs

Student Wellbeing Goal 2:

Expand support for economically disadvantaged students

Participation (publicity, recruitment, diversity) Resources (money, people, sustainability) Collaboration (within AS, outside AS) Accountability (measure and report)

Expand support for UCSBs economically disadvantaged students; program may include but will not be limited to:

  • Increasing AS Foodbank operations from 3 to 5 days per week with a capacity to serve the full needs of all food-insecure students;
  • Creating and maintaining a career kick-off that provides services such as: loaned clothing for interviews, hairstyling vouchers, free headshots and resume printing for those who qualify;
  • Providing free or discounted bikes to students who qualify;
  • Exploring providing free or discounted computers, pads, phones, and other tech supplies to students who qualify;
  • Ensuring the AS Community Financial Fund is funding is secure and growing and reconsidering maximums and eligibility annually.

Campus communication
incl. info for new & transfer students
AS Social Media
AS Website(s)
Radio & newspaper
Clubs, associations to reach economically disadvantaged

Set-up: Possible initial personnel cost; attempt to secure donations of equipment, food, bikes, clothing, etc…
Ongoing: Media center priority
People-work with AS BCCs and staff to work within existing resources
Planet-minimal/positive impact few if any print materials

1st Measure: specifics regarding how each of the five aspects will be carried out and cost/benefit: how many in need and can be served by AS
2nd Measures specific to each program: e.g., for Foodback measure number of students fed & amts v number in need; measure number days open. Ongoing measure: Impact: How many students are using? Are students satisfied? Reporting: to Senate, and in Annual Report; student body pre-election if lock-in

See our implementation plan here
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