WELLBEING: Mental health first aid—learn & sponsor

Student Wellbeing Goal 3:

Support mental health: create Mental Health 1st Aid program

Participation (publicity, recruitment, diversity) Resources (money, people, sustainability) Collaboration (within AS, outside AS) Accountability (measure and report)

Sponsor & host Mental Health First Aid training through one or both of the following:

  • Provide training to anyone interested
  • Target invitees (e.g., AS leaders, BCC chairs, AS staff, UCSB counselors & student services employees, RAs and other dorm staff, Greeks, psych & social work majors, athletic team captains, etc. )

After the initial training(s):

  • Determine whether to commit to hosting and determine how often
  • Create a participation plan
  • Consider whether to pay for a small number of UCSB staff (e.g., AS staff, counseling center, OSL) to become a certified trainer(s).


AS participant outreach
Possibly campus communication
Publicize for participation broadly. Also press-releases describing the program for AS publicity
AS Social Media
AS Website(s)
Radio & newspaper
Clubs, associations with health and well-being related themes

Set-up: Possible initial personnel cost
People-work with AS BCCs and staff to work within existing resources
Planet-minimal/positive impact few if any print materials

AS elected leaders

Track participants.
Ask participants to evaluate the program immediately after the training and again in one month or more
Within two months of the initial training, report to the Senate on the viability of the program:
o Number of participants
o Evaluation reports
o First hand experiences
o Cost
Depending on results of reporting: repeat program, measures, reporting

See our implementation plan here
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